Andrea Duran
Mar 24, 2022


Great points! I love it when people mix pop-culture and mental health (kind of my forte as well so I love reading it too).

I was just thinking that the social proof and the first impressions, primarily her clothing and overall appearance, are what really snag people in. There is this guy that ALMOST got a book deal because he claimed to be a former mobster in Chicago. Though he had the accent and the social proof, a lot of people pointed out he seemed way too young to be involved in the particular crimes he claimed to have knowledge of. Somebody outed him and he lost all of his potential deals. The guy was in his late 20's, acting like he was a retired mobster in his late 40's simply because he dyed his hair gray and had really bad teeth.



Andrea Duran
Andrea Duran

Written by Andrea Duran

Writer | Self-Development | Mental Health | Addiction | Fiction | B.A. Eng/Pysch | Addiction Counselor | Certified Hot Mess |

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