So, what attracts me to empaths?
Therapists have NOT diagnosed with NPD but one therapist believe I share traits with NPD, possibly related more so to BPD (borderline personality disorder), as a result of having severely abusive, manipulative parents growing up. However, one trait I do share with NPD is my attraction to empaths.
I tend to date men who are quieter, passive, less experienced, and have a history of women leaving them or cheating on them. One of the most common statements these men tell me are: You are way out of my league. How in the hell did I ever get you?
Initially, I felt I was dating these men because it made me feel safer but my therapist thinks it's because I subconsciously see them as "easier to control/manipulate." And, I feel that some narcissists (not all) could be going after those they perceive as trustworthy and dependable for very sincere reasons, until abusive traits start to take over.
(Yes, I'm in therapy FYI, I've never physically abused or called anyone nasty names but I have engaged in incredibly manipulative/gaslighting tactics I'm not proud of).