Andrea Duran
Nov 22, 2022


There are many, many accurate points here. My family had always been surprised by the boyfriends I took home because they are not what one would deem "universally handsome." But, they were always kind, sweet, sensitive, and selfless, some of the most important qualities that I would see fairly quickly. And most of them have cried in front of me which I liked because it shows they had a lot of emotions and sensitivity to the issues brought up.

But, I do think dating apps hinders what people are looking for. I personally know many girls who won't swipe if the guy is less than 6'0 or if they arent wealthy or wearing certain clothes in their photos. It's made a lot of women (and even men) much pickier than before. Not ALL women, but many. I wish we could get rid of apps sometimes.



Andrea Duran

Writer | Self-Development | Mental Health | Addiction | Fiction | B.A. Eng/Pysch | Addiction Counselor | Certified Hot Mess |