Andrea Duran
Sep 25, 2022


Why is it that this always seems to be the question?! The longer I wait to settle down with someone the more I get the above question or: What's wrong with you?! Why aren't ya married?!

I'm not a coach but I am a counselor and studying couples counseling and love just for research and I am in the same boat. Except for me, I intentionally choose immature men that don't meet my needs so that it gives me an excuse to leave and be single. I can tell people "it's not my fault, it's theirs." Because I fear, when we find someone we can actually stand and want to be with... what is there nexst?



Andrea Duran

Writer | Self-Development | Mental Health | Addiction | Fiction | B.A. Eng/Pysch | Addiction Counselor | Certified Hot Mess |